
Showing posts from June, 2019


The Hollywood Sign   I wanted to first get you acquainted with what this blog is really about. First of all, this city is not for the weak. So if you have any idea of thinking it's going to be easy, turn around now before you spend your whole savings. This is a town where you can get caught up in all the whirlwind of the "Hollywood Scene". Trust me, I did, and I'm actually glad I didn't get caught up as I could. But, I don't want to get all negative on you. There are plenty of positives, but they usually come after you have been here a while and you can see through all the BS. I also want to add here before I get too far into it, that I will be doing a Vlog on this as well. Please go subscribe to that channel HERE . I will be interviewing those that have come and left, come and became homeless, come and still trying, and lastly coming and succeeding. This is going to be a journey for me as well. I will hopefully be bringing some truth to what it really