
The Hollywood Sign
The Hollywood Sign 
 I wanted to first get you acquainted with what this blog is really about. First of all, this city is not for the weak. So if you have any idea of thinking it's going to be easy, turn around now before you spend your whole savings. This is a town where you can get caught up in all the whirlwind of the "Hollywood Scene". Trust me, I did, and I'm actually glad I didn't get caught up as I could. But, I don't want to get all negative on you. There are plenty of positives, but they usually come after you have been here a while and you can see through all the BS.

I also want to add here before I get too far into it, that I will be doing a Vlog on this as well. Please go subscribe to that channel HERE. I will be interviewing those that have come and left, come and became homeless, come and still trying, and lastly coming and succeeding. This is going to be a journey for me as well. I will hopefully be bringing some truth to what it really takes to actually live here. I have been here 5 years so far and I have now seen so many come and go, some have even decided that film is not for them so they end up going into a completely different career all together. I am hoping you will have an open mind as I share not only my own accounts for what my journey has been like, but also those that are hoping to also be something. A "working anything in film" to say the least.

So keep your tablet, pen or notes section of your phone open so you can take notes on what it's really going to take. The sacrifices you will need to make, the reality of the "reality", If you live or have lived in Hollywood and you want to be a part of this Vlog, please send me an email so we can chat about your story to see if it's a good fit for both of us.

My ultimate goal here is to help you... The next "Hollywood Star".

A little about me: My name is Raven Krogstad and I moved here 5 years ago, in a 13' camper with two large dogs and my husband. This little camper did not have a bathroom or a kitchen. We cooked outside, went to the main bathroom in the RV park in order to do that kind of business and well, at 2am, sometimes you just want to pee in a bucket (and I did). Now, let's back up a little so I can tell you a little of what made me want to even think about moving here in the first place. It wasn't to become a star surprisingly. I was hopeful in that I would find some success in something while working toward my dream. I am still working toward a larger success, but I have had limited degrees of success depending on what "you" deem successful. But, that's not a story for now. First off, my entire life revolved around art, traveling the country selling the art my parents and I made for a living and we didn't do too bad at it either. We did have those feast or famine moments, but working in our vocation was happening and somewhat well known in that world as well. We won awards for displays, and for artistry we created. Once my mom became ill (we didn't know would become kidney failure) I became the only one that could paint the art to sell and sustain us. Finally my mom was diagnosed and we became a little more home bound due to her dialysis. I went one to get a job in the real world at Universal Studios in Orlando. I had the most amazing experience there and one day I hope to have a film distributed by them. that's one dream I have yet to achieve.

I worked there for 2 years and then started and sold a couple of businesses and I was utterly miserable. They made us a living, but I was so creatively stifled I felt somewhat lost and unfulfilled. So I went to the local online list of Craig... and found myself looking in crew positions. I found one for an Art Directors assistant. I met with the Director in a bright yellow shirt, and he looked at me like I was insane. Anyway, I walked away with the position because he knew, I knew exactly what I was doing. Before that time ended with the feature film, I had worked in every department and worked my way up to doing production design, props, camera, sound, crafty (food), makeup, producing, location scouting, etc. I learned so much while working on that set, I also learned ultimately I wanted to be a director. Oh... And I did this all basically without any pay. I did not know it would be as hard as it was to "break in" to the industry, but I have faced larger battles like oh... death. So since beating death, I figured might as well give this a shot. I will save a bit more for later on but, I wanted you to know how I really got my start in film. This is probably enough for you to digest as I get my Shitake together and share more information.

I want to share information you are not told by people that work in film, advice that might save your bank or your life, as well as tips on how to help make the transition a little more realistic. So stay tuned for more. Follow me on IG, Twitter & Facebook @ Ravenkrogstad

"I look forward to helping you be the best you can be."